Donate to a good cause!

Saturday, August 22, 2009 at 1:54 PM Bookmark and Share
Most people have heard of Doctors Without Borders (the U.S. branch of the humanitarian-aid organization, Médecins Sans Frontières) but how many of us have contributed to their organization?

If you ever wanted to donate, here's your chance!

Following the apparently fraudulent fund raising activity of an evangelical YouTube user that goes by the name VenomFangX (who claimed to be raising funds for the The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario), user DPR Jones and others launched their own effort to do some real fund raising for the Sick Kids Hospital. Not stopping there, they took it one step further to try and raise money for Doctors Without Borders.

You can contribute to their campaign to raise $10,000 for Doctors Without Borders by donating through the website First Giving (per DWB's request).

No excuses folks, it takes less than a minute and the donation form is right here.


Over at ScienceBlogs, Orac has a couple of posts about the Sick Kids Hospital supporting complimentary and alternative medical treatments with an apparent disregard for the existing evidence against them. Hopefully feedback from the science and medical community can shift them away from their "neutral stance" on these matters to an "evidence based stance" that better serves their patients.


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